Community Involvement

We believe that a faith community is more than a collection of people who meet on Sunday mornings. We practice our faith through outreach to the community, sharing our time, talents, assets and hearts. Our involvement bonds us with fellow congregants as well as the greater community.


One Can A Week

JoAnne Urwick initiated this project in November of 2014 where each church attendee is encouraged to bring one can of food each Sunday. All donations go to the food pantry of Caring Services. We support this recovery ministry with food, cash and volunteer contributions. The amount of food is translated into a monetary amount by multiplying the number of cans by $1.80. So far we have delivered over 13,000 cans, which equates to a total value of over $23,400!

Pennies for Hunger

Pennies for Hunger is a hunger-related ministry of the Salem Presbytery. Founded in 1989, the mission is to set aside two cents per meal and provide those monies as a monthly offering traditionally collected on the second Sunday of the month. Since the program began, we have awarded over $3 million in food assistance to agencies. Fifty percent goes to local hunger agencies in our Presbytery, and fifty percent is distributed internationally. In the Spring 2024 Grant Cycle, funds were awarded in our Presbytery to groups such as Second Harvest Food Bank, Samaritan Ministries, Alamance County Meals on Wheels, Blowing Rock Cares, and the Vandalia Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. International grants were awarded to Sister to Sister in Kenya who provides food to elementary-age children and to nutrition centers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where 278 children receive meals three to four days a week. For more information, visit the link on the Salem Presbytery website:

Mobile Meals

Forest Hills Presbyterian Church and our members have been involved with Mobile Meals for the Elderly for many years. Our members have delivered meals for elderly and disabled Mobile Meals clients for over twenty years and multiple members have served on the Mobile Meals Board in numerous capacities. Additionally through the Mission Committee or the Mission Gathering, we have assisted Mobile Meals financially.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Forest Hills has historically had hunger missions as one of our priorities. In 2000, we began documenting our efforts participating with the national Souper Bowl of Caring and since that year FH has donated over $15,500 and 8,900 non-perishable food items. We like to say making a difference to the food insecurities in our community is part of our DNA! Proceeds generally go to West End Ministries and Caring Services, both ministries that serve those who are hungry.


A national campaign to raise funds for local and national organizations that directly provide food to hungry persons. Forest Hills has been a consistent partner in this and has been one of the top contributors in the city.

Kitchen Ministries

Linda Greene initiated “Feed My Sheep”, which offers free, frozen food to anyone who wants it. A freezer is always stocked and anyone can sign out food for themselves or neighbors. Additionally, our kitchen is used by groups that benefit the community.

+Recovery & Housing

Caring Services

This agency provides an enlightened and caring treatment community in which those affected by addictions begin a new life. The program provides the best possible opportunity for each individual to achieve lasting abstinence from all mood altering substances. They offer multi-dimensional approaches to rehabilitation through intensive and outpatient treatment, supportive living to 102 individuals in transitional housing, accessible food pantry and assistance to enable each individual to become increasingly self-sufficient. FH supports their services through providing weekly donations of food, hands on participation in home renovations, contributing volunteer hours to fund raising events, providing board membership, as well as monetary assistance through the Endowment and Mission funding.


Opening our doors to agencies such as AA, NA, and Al-Anon is a priority in our ministries to offer the recovery community safe and supportive meeting opportunities. These groups use our facilities weekly for individuals and family members coping with those battling alcoholism and addiction. The 12 step program enables its members to achieve sobriety and stay sober.

Open Door Ministries

Open Door Ministries operates four housing programs that serve the community. First is the men’s shelter for up to 70 men for a 90 day temporary stay. Second is the Rapid Rehousing program for men, women, and families that are homeless and have issues such as mental struggles, and lack of employment history. Folks are housed in apartments with the goal of permanent housing within 4-6 months. Third is Permanent Supportive Housing for single men or women who are chronically homeless (homeless 1 year or longer) and have physical or mental disabilities. And, last but not least, Wraparound services are provided for a year to these persons who are placed in subsidy housing.

Arthur Cassel House

Arthur Cassell Transitional Housing is operated by Open Door Ministries and is a residential facility for 14 veterans experiencing homelessness. The program partners with the WG “Bill” Hefner Medical Center and Veteran’s Administration (VA), and all veterans are referred by the VA. Case management services include employment, disability income, mental and physical health, and substance abuse treatment.

Operation Inasmuch

Operation Inasmuch is a non-profit that employs proven models to motivate, train, and equip local churches to move congregants out of the sanctuary and into the streets to serve the neediest in their community.

In High Point they have assisted lower-income residents and older adults with fixing damaged homes, assisting with their upkeep, and beautifying their neighborhood through yard maintenance. Volunteers fellowship with the home owners and each other as they build a community of Christian compassion.

World Relief Triad

World Relief Triad is the local chapter of a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower local churches to serve the most vulnerable. World Relief’s work in the United States, specifically, focuses on helping refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations rebuild their lives in a new country. FHPC holds an annual drive to collect furniture and household items that are used to set up homes for recently arrived immigrants.

+Youth & Child Development


Each year our Forest Hills youth join youth and adults from other churches and encounter God through relationships, renewal, recreation, and rest while nestled in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Montreat is a private, non-profit conference center with roots in the PC(USA). Your financial assistance and donations have made this experience available to our youth as they seek a closer relationship with our Creator. Adults and pastors from FHPC chaperone and lead our children to and at Montreat.

Boys & Girls Club

Our Greater High Point Clubs (Five) served 1300 youth this past year. Many of you donate to our local clubs as does our Endowment Fund. FHPC’s Tom Schaaf serves on their board of directors with many others in our community. We raise money for the organization to keep the enrollment for each child at $2 per child per year. Our donations enable these young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We provide homework assistance, learning healthy lifestyles, swimming lessons, life lessons, & career opportunity exposure. Disadvantaged youth do better in every category measured when they stay in a club.

Communities in Schools/Northwood Elementary

Communities in Schools is a national program that builds relationships with school-aged children to empower them to succeed. On a local level, Forest Hills has contributed our time and money to the students of Northwood Elementary. We have volunteered for projects such as painting picnic tables, reading buddies and tutoring. These small acts make a bigger difference than we realize to kids who are walking distance from the church. 

FHPC Youth Program

The stories about the youth at FHPC abound. Your support is amazing. You have supported life changing mission trips working with the homeless, repairing homes in ravaged areas, seminary students, Scout activities, Montreat mountain top experiences and the list goes on and on. Our youth are awesome. Thank you for providing your resources and for participating in our Intergenerational way.


High Point Family Therapy Services

The HPFTS understands that life can be difficult, especially when the seasons of life are changing. We know that everyone needs support during an unpleasant or overwhelming phase of life. The staff desires to help you regain a sense of hope, direction and purpose while passing through the tough seasons of life. FHPC provides office space and as it is deemed appropriate limited financial support to the High Point Family Therapy Services. Kent Berry has been providing Pastoral Counseling services at Forest Hills since 2007. The mission of High Point Family Therapy Services is to respond to the mental health needs of individuals, couples, families, and institutions through consultation, education, training and therapy.  High Point Family Therapy Services is devoted to the healing and wholeness of the individual in the context of his or her life circumstances — in the family, in couple relationships, in work and in friendship. Visit to learn more about this ministry to the community.

Community Clinic

The Community Clinic of High Point provides quality medical and/or pharmaceutical care for individuals with no private or government issued health insurance. These individuals would normally "fall through the cracks" if not for the amazing volunteers and staff who provide personalized care, and/or referrals to outside physicians/clinicians. The staff and volunteers engage every person who walks through their doors with kindness and compassion, seeking their wellbeing and wholeness